Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wow!! My First Award!

I am so excited and honored. Puddles of Sunshine has given me the Honest Scrap award!! It's my very first award and this is just...exciting. I know, I'm being redundant...I have a tendency to do that in conversation. hehe The rules of this award are:

1. I, as the recipient of said award, have to list 10 things about me that no one knows (this is going to be tough).
2. I need to pass this awesome award to ten new bloggers worthy of such glory.
And, 3. I have to notify those 10 lucky bloggers who follow the same forum- I'll be leaving comments on your pages, so be on the lookout! And when you post your ten things, be sure to post a link back to me!

My "secrets" are:

1. I LOVE to watch game shows on TV. I am unable to change the channel if I run across one. It's a seriously good thing we don't get the Game Show Network through our cable company or I would never go to work.

2. My friends at work call me Monk sometimes because I'm soooo particular about how my Excel spreadsheets are formatted. I mean, seriously, they'll thank me later.

3. I have a very strange recurring dream about smoking. Sometimes I'm actually smoking and sometimes I spend the whole dream either looking for a cigarette or looking for a light. I've searched dream dictionaries but haven't found a satisfying interpretation.

4. I also frequently dream that I'm naked, which is probably pretty common and not much of a "secret". In my dreams, after the initial realization and embarrassment, I'm usually pretty casual about not having any clothes on. I've read that being comfortable in naked dreams means you're comfortable in your skin in real life and I like that.

5. I'm totally afraid of walking over the grates in roads or sidewalks that cover deep holes for drainage and will walk around them.

6. I have always wanted to learn sign language.

7. I love to write poetry. A friend of mine is publishing a book of his own poems and has a chapter devoted to guest authors and one of my poems is going to be in his book.

8. I would love to audition for America Idol but I'm too old and too shy to sing in public.

9. I'm a really good secret keeper.

10. While I typically LOVE a good list-making session, I'm not super secretive and this list has been really difficult to think of things for. I'll think about it and you all stay tuned for another secret or two in future posts.

Now...the blogs I'm nominating are:

Julie King Art
Life At Willow Manor
Crochet With Dee
Hooked On Crochet
Wendy Knits
Karen D Creations
Supplies Overflowing
Stepford Dreams
Thinking Out Loud
Puddles of Sunshine I know this is kind of cheating but if she hadn't been the one who sent this to me, I would have DEFINITELY sent it to her. Her blog is interesting and funny and poignant. Lovely.


  1. thanks you sweetie!!! i love it when you leave a comment on my blog and this was a particularly nice one to receive!!!

    as for your secrets, i think it is great that you are comfortable in your own skin. i sense (remember) that about you. you really should be very leary of those grates. my mom got her high heel caught in one while we were shopping in downtown richmond once and it was quite a scene. not her and the shoe so much as us kids laughing at her. ask your mom -- she'll tell you how incorrigible we were. hee hee

  2. As Edith would say: "And that is the truth (raspberries)!" Congrats on your reward...I was hoping you would get one soon. Did you know I did a research report about people's reactions to walking over sidewalk grates for sociology class? Don't remember my findings or my grade, but I don't like them either. Love you...Mom

  3. HAHAHA!! Thanks a lot! I will have to think about this one- and get back to it!
    I too, walk around grates on the street, but people know that about me already! Seriously, I will have to think!

    Thank you for your wishes for Chris. I will be seeing him again tomorrow for a quick visit. He seems to be better. Maybe everyone's prayers helped? I think so.
    Thanks again!

  4. I thought you did great with your secrets!!! I don't think I knew any of them!! Well....I think I knew the game show thing, and I knew you were a good secret keeper. : ) Thanks for awarding me back and saying such nice things!!!!

  5. Hello. Just found your blog. I think it is really interesting. Come check out mine if you'd like. Happy blogging! And congrats on your award!
